Angels and Oliver Cowdery's Testimony
Brigham Young
April 6, 1855
Alma the Younger went about preaching against the Church, much to the sorrow of his father, Alma, who was, in effect, the President of the Church at the time. Through the prayers of his father, an angel appeared to Alma Jr. who passed out, beheld his true state before God, repented, and became one of the greatest missionaries and theologians of the Book of Mormon.
If only angels would appear to every loud critic of the Church!
Not so. God usually doesn't send angels to rebuke the wicked, many of them wouldn't repent even if He did.
President Heber J. Grant:
Many men say: ‘If I could only see an angel, if I could only hear an angel proclaim something, that would cause me to be faithful all the days of my life!’ It had no effect upon these men that were not serving the Lord, and it would have no effect today (Conference Reports, Apr. 1924, p. 159).
Hugh Nibley held the same opinion:
Brigham Young said, ‘Pray that you never see an angel.’ He was talking historically. Almost everybody who saw an angel left the Church. They came back, but they had these terrible problems. It gave them inflated egos, etc. They thought they were somebody special. They were, but they couldn't take it. It would be very dangerous if we were exposed to the other world to any degree. Only people that are very humble can do that. Not us, we can't do that. We are not that humble (The Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Lecture 41, p.193).[1]People who saw angels and subsequently left the Church- some temporarily, some permanently- include:
- Lyman E. Johnson[2]
- Sidney Rigdon
- Martin Harris
- David Whitmer
When Jesus comes to rule and reign King of Nations as he now does King of Saints, the veil of the covering will be taken from all nations, that all flesh may see his glory together, but that will not make them all Saints. Seeing the Lord does not make a man a Saint, seeing an Angel does not make a man a Saint by any means. A man may see the finger of the Lord, and not thereby become a Saint; the vail of the covering may be taken from before the nations, and all flesh see His glory together, and at the same time declare they will not serve Him. They may, perhaps, feel something as a women in Missouri did, who had been driven four times, and when she was about to be driven again she said, "I will be damned if I will stand it any longer; if God wants me to go through such a routine of things, He may take me where He pleases, and do with me as He pleases; I won't stand it any longer" (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:309)
Oliver Cowdery's disaffection with the Church was a little different. While he cut ties with the Church, he never cut ties with his testimony that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, and that he saw Moroni and the plates in person. Brigham said Joseph Smith "had to pray all the time, exercise faith, live his religion, and magnify his calling, to obtain the manifestations of the Lord, and to keep him steadfast in the faith." Brigham felt this steadfastness made Joseph somewhat unique, and related the following about the witnesses of the Book of Mormon, all of whom left the Church, only two to return[3] :
Do you not know others who had manifestations almost equal to those Joseph had, but who have gone by the board? Martin Harris declared, before God and angels, that he had
seen angels. Did he apostatize? Yes, though he says that the Book of Mormon is true. Oliver Cowdery also left the Church, though he never denied the Book of Mormon, not even in the wickedest days he ever saw, and came back into the Church before he died. A gentleman in Michigan[4] said to him, when he was pleading law, 'Mr. Cowdery, I see your name attached to this book; if you believe it to be true, why are you in Michigan?'
The gentleman read over the names of the witnesses, and said, 'Mr. Cowdery, do you believe this book?'
'No sir,' replied Oliver Cowdery.
'That is very well, but your name is attached to it, and you say here that you saw an angel, and the plates from which this book is said to be translated, and now you say that you do not believe it. Which time was you right?'
Mr. Cowdery replied, 'There is my name attached to that book, and what I have there said that I saw, I know that I saw, and belief has nothing to do with it, for knowledge has swallowed up the belief that I had in the work, since I know it is true.'
He gave this testimony when he was pleading law in Michigan. After he had left the Church he still believed 'Mormonism;' and so it is with hundreds and thousands of others, and yet they do not live it… (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:248-259).
At great expense to his reputation, Oliver Cowdery never denied his testimony of the Book of Mormon. After his excommunication[5] in 1838 he studied and practiced law at Tiffin, Ohio, where the above mentioned declaration of testimony took place.
He became the editor of a local Democratic newspaper until it was discovered he was one of the three witness, and on account of his being associated with the 'Mormons,' he was demoted to assistant editor.
In 1846 he was nominated as his district's Democratic party candidate for the state senate, but was defeated when he wouldn't recant his Mormon roots. He was defeated in a similar manner when he ran for state assemblyman in Wisconsin in 1848, losing by only 50 out of 500 votes, despite an avid smear campaign against him.
After his defeat he traveled to Winter Quarters, Nebraska, met with the First Presidency:
Brethren, for a number of years, I have been separated from you. I now desire to come back. I wish to come humble and be one in your midst. I seek no station. I only wish to be identified with you. I am out of the Church, but I wish to become a member. I wish to come in at the door; I know the door, I have not come here to seek precedence. I come humbly and throw myself upon the decision of the body, knowing as I do, that its decisions are right.[6]
He was rebaptised on November 12, 1848. He then travelled to Richmond, Missouri where David Whitmer was staying. Oliver was married to Whitmer's sister, and on acount of his poor health he decided to winter with that family before going west with the Saints in the spring. His lungs continued to bother him to the point he was bed-ridden, and did not make it out west. After unsuccessfully trying to get Whitmer to join the Church again, Oliver's chronic illness took control and he died in the faith on March 3, 1850, relating his testimony just before passing away.
News of his passing reached Salt Lake 4 months later and was published in the first edition of the Deseret News. Oliver spent his time away from the Church in law and politics, surrounded by men who emphasized his humility, honesty, and integrity. A court record in Missouri noted at his passing: "his profession has lost an accomplished member, and the community a reliable and worthy citizen."[7] Of his death, Whitmer said:
"Oliver died the happiest man I ever saw. After shaking hands with the family and kissing his wife and daughter, he said ‘Now I lay down for the last time; I am going to my Saviour’; and he died immediately with a smile on his face," (ibid., also Millenial Star, XII, p. 207).
Despite the business and political pressures he faced, Oliver never denied his testimony.
“Lyman Johnson…reportedly apostatized after having seen an angel…‘I remember hearing President Snow say on more than one occasion,’ recalled Mathias Cowley, ‘how determined Lyman E. Johnson was to see an angel from the Lord. He plead [sic] with and teased the Lord to send an angel to him until he saw an angel; but President Snow said the trouble with him was that he saw an angel one day and saw the devil the next day, and finally the devil got away with him.’” (FARMS, vol. 2, no. 2-Fall 1993, p. 171)
"Knowledge has swallowed up the belief"....what an interesting and poetic quote. I think it would have been extremely difficult for Oliver and Martin to come back after having experienced so much, having their knowledge swallowed up in belief, and having apostatized. They had to rid themselves of pride and fear of being rejected by the saints. Anyone coming back to the church has to do that, but for them it was much more so.
This was a great post!! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I agree, it was likely a humbling trip back for the brethren. That, and if you see an angel, what's to stop you from doubting that experience down the road? Something happened to these witnesses that left them knowing it was real.
This is a great post. Thank you for your words, thoughts, and research!
Thanks for reading and responding.
I don't know if you get notified of comments made to old posts but I just read this (it's 6/11/08) and wanted to compliment you on it. I love Oliver Cowdery. He was exactly the right man for the job of helping Joseph get the Book of Mormon translated. He was an educated schoolteacher. He was eloquent and a writer , able to literally write for hours, copying off dictation and then copying again the pages of the printer's manuscript. He helped Joseph acquire greater facility with the language and his influence on Joseph helped the prophet increase his own abilities and fluency in preaching and writing. God used Oliver in many ways. And his heart was good. His influence on the early church was positive and good in every way.
But think about this gentle rather bookish man---was he the man to lead the saints to a new home in the Rocky Mountains? Was he a colonizer? No. Simply put, he was not. God needed to move him out of the way so that Brother Brigham could be that man. But I have no doubt that Oliver is standing in good stead with his other faithful brethren of the restoration whose testimony that this was a work of God never faltered. I love Oliver Cowdery for what he did for the church. I can't love him less because he wasn't meant to be what Brigham Young was to the church. Each of us have distinct missions to perform. He filled his.
Thanks for your great tribute to him.
Thank you for the kind words, Lynda.
My research would indicate that the spin of the original thread, obviously pro-Mormon, is pretty much the party line, but untrue. Cowdery, Smith's cousin, was possibly the principle author of the Book of Mormon - getting off to a rough start, with Cowdery's arrival it was finished in 6 months. Cowdery's story about baptisms and ordinations differ from Smith's (Cowdery saw angels, not resurrected beings), and Cowdery, as second in charge had a vested interest in preserving the Church. He was the one who wanted to go to Toronto to sell the copyright of the book for $5,000 (always on the lookout for money), and the Mormons even excommunicated him on trumped up charges, although it is highly likely that Cowdery's dislike to Smith's entrance into polygamy was the real reason. Oliver also had called Smith's relationship with Fanny Alger a nasty and filthy afair. Cowdery's attempted return to the LDS was really pathetic - a pitch for power after Smith's demise, for after all he was the "Second Elder," and after Smith the one who should have been in charge.
Cowdery probably also manufactured plates for use with the "witnesses." His father was, after all, a blacksmith and he was fairly familiar with working with metal.
Sorry folks, Oliver is certainly not the nice guy you people wish to project - he wanted money more than God, and went along with the Smith-Rigdon scheme to start a new religion!
Anonymous, please read the comment guidelines before posting again.
Your research might support your claims, but you certainly haven't demonstrated that to be the case. Here's some research that also shows the moon landing never happened. Sorry folks!
Thank you for this information. I had never thought of how difficult it might be for someone who had seen angels to remain faithful.
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