Debut album by Jiminy Finn and the Moneydiggers!

I'm pleased to announce the official release of the new album, "Campfire Carols," by Jiminy Finn and the Moneydiggers!
1. Into the Woods
2. Lo Que Sea
3. I Guess I Want To Be With You
4. I've Got to Write a Song Tonight
5. Yes, I'm a Music Snob (What of it?)
6. Universal Love Song
7. All Day Every Day (Beatmaster)
8. We're Sticking it to the Man, He Just Doesn't Know it Yet
9. How Happiness Destroyed My Band
10. Before You Came
11. Frankie's House
12. The Shameless Self-Promotion Song
13. Dennis
14. Hidden/Bonus Track: Paul Revere
Click here to download the free mp3 of "I've Got to Write a Song Tonight." And dance.
Enjoy a few low-quality excerpts below to give you a taste for the goodness of this compilation. Of course, the actual tracks sound much better.
Buy it now for a mere $10 (+shipping), secured through paypal: